19 November 2018 – 15 January 2019
Unfinished stories
Artist: Albert Sofian. Curator: Ana Negoita
Unfinished stories are those stories we actually tell ourselves, the stories we never finish, as we never know their ending. They continue in a different world, away from reality. The stories we reinvent each day, telling them to an imaginary audience, stories that are haunting us. The gallery becomes a BESTIARY inhabited by fantastic, strange creatures, that although unknown, look familiar. Sofian’s characters, the people, the beasts are pictured in powerful low angles. They are twisted, tensioned, giving them a certain monumentality.
This exhibition is similar to an ilusory, gargantuesque map with ilustrations from these UNFINISHED, endless STORIES. The artworks represent different chapters and stages of creation, each one of them representative for a certain phase of visual research, drawings, studies and sketches, offering the viewer an overview of Albert Sofian’s artistic journey.
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