Alexandra Sand (b.1990) is a performance and graphic artist particularly interested in the links between identity as human beings as well as artists in the context of public space and, more recently, that of the “white cube” (galleries and museums). For her, the public space refers not only to urban space, but also to where, all together, the various forms of self-awareness manifest and create a collective awareness. She is a rewarded young artist, an ex fellow of the prestigious French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici ’15-’16 and performance art teacher. She currently lives and works in Europe and USA. She currently has a solo exhibition, entitled Another Self, at Galerie Herve Bize in Nancy, France.

On the occasion of the opening reception, Alexandra Sand enacted a ritual performance, especially designed for the space of Halucinarium. Part of her trilogy, Bread and Body Narratives, it constructs an atmosphere that practically impersonates her own state of solitude and the rewarding experience of peaceful distancing of external reality. Entitled Impasto (follow up) – symbols of becoming, the ritual performance creates an analogy between the puzzling self-defeating feeling within, the physical distress and the custom of baking bread in honoring the memory of a loved person. Feelings of loneliness, combined with social anxiety and depression, can make one feel as the old self is undergoing a slow burning out, to the point of not recognizing who you once were. A special setting framed her gestures of kneading and her visage in the process of baking, as both, she and the dough underwent a transformational change.


Alexandra Sand, Impasto (follow up) – symbols of becoming, live performance, part of her ongoing trilogy Bread and Body Narratives, 2017 – present

Traian Cherecheş, Parsifal Transmissions, 18’34’’, sound installation, 2018