June 12 2019 – September 11 2019
Artists: Ioana Olahut, Anca Bodea, Andras Szabo, Matei Bocancios. Curator: Ana Negiota
Maelstrom… A powerful sea current off the coast of Norway. A spectacular, dangerous vortex. A fascinating natural fenomenon. A force of nature that no human can control… Pure energy with a full power impact over our environment, the human environment, yet ever intangible.
The exhibition project seeks to document, to research, to describe and to present in a concrete, tangible, visible way, the sensations, the sensorial experiences provoked by nature’s powerful forces, energies that are out of our control. Out of our need to manipulate. Constraining forces of nature, twirling the space, maneuvering our perception of space.
How do you see a strong wind? How do you feel a force pushing you to the limit of a space?
Nowdays, if we are “maelstrom”-ed, it means we are engulfed in something larger than life… But are we? We are caught in today’s routine and we often forget tomorow’s chalenges. Is the rise of the superstorms a powerfull enough alarm bell? Maelstrom has amazed us for it’s natural power, but what if nature Maelstroms us in a violent turn of events… What if climate change pulls us into it’s vortex, in a spiralling chaos towards our end? Can we save tomorow?
Main partners: Fundatia Mobexpert, Asociatia Culturala Hassium
Sponsori: Seventh Generation, Eleven, Valahorum, Cheile Bicazului, Gerocossen.